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About Flow

Flow is dedicated to creating a closed-loop solution for food waste. Using anaerobic digestion, we turn waste into energy and biofertilizers, fostering sustainable agriculture and reducing emissions.

CO2 Down to ZERO
Process & Technology

Turning Waste into Power


Food waste is collected from schools, restaurants, and commercial kitchens, ensuring efficient waste management and a steady flow to our anaerobic digestion facility.


Organic waste undergoes preprocessing, sorting, grinding, and pasteurization to create a slurry, ensuring it’s ready for anaerobic digestion.


In our digesters, microbes convert organic material into biogas and biofertilizers, producing clean energy and enriching soil sustainably.


Flow’s approach reduces landfill waste, lowers emissions, and produces biofertilizers, creating economic growth and sustainable development for communities.

  • Lower Waste Disposal Fees
  • Renewable Energy Production
  • Enhanced Soil Health
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